ILGA World’s 2022 Annual Report maps the work that we did to bring our global LGBTI family together across the year.
The publication summarises an extraordinary year of remarkable recent achievements and highlights what we can accomplish when we stand together – uplifting and amplifying the voices of LGBTIacronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people. Although this is not the acronym available to describe people of diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and sex characteristics, it is the most commonly used in United Nations spaces and advocacy. human rights defenders worldwide, from the grassroots up to the United Nationsan international organisation comprising 193 member States. It has the mission of maintaining peace and security, protecting human rights, providing humanitarian aid and ensuring economic and social development across the globe. It is a network of many different bodies and agencies, each of which has a particular role and responsibility..