
ILGA condemns the murder of LGBTs in Puebla, Mexico

Agnes Torres was a 28-year-old psychologist and educator fighting for the human rights of our trans brothers and sisters in Mexico.

Agnes had become an important LGBT human rights voice in Mexico for her trans brothers and sisters.

News of her death spread quickly in social networks and among LGBT activists in Mexico, and 2000 people gathered in Puebla’s central town square to demand justice for her murder and for this to be classified as a hate crime.

Demonstrations have taken place also in other cities, like Mexico city, where activist and allies assembled in Angel de la Independencia last Sunday and marched to Puebla´s government representation to demand justice and a thorough investigation.

It is the sixth crime against members of the Mexican LGBT community in Puebla this year. Regrettably none of these crimes has been solved and no perpetrator has been brought to justice yet.

We are deeply saddened because Agnes was a respected leader; someone loved, who did a lot of work to advocate for the well being of LGBT people. ILGA condemns this crime against our sister, an activist for human rights and call for a full and transparent investigation into this crime. And we support the LGBT Puebla´s organizations declaration and demands to stop violence and homophobia.

Agnes gave voice to many people who did not have the opportunity to speak. While her voice has sadly been stilled, the fight continues for trans human rights coverage around the world and her trans brothers and sisters in her homeland and elsewhere will not rest until it happens
Gloria Careaga and Renato Sabbadini, ILGA Co-Secretaries general